Doors open at 4:00 PM Sunday.
Warm ups start at 5:15 PM – Early birds at 6:00 PM
Good Shepherd bingo was established as a way to supplement the income gained through Church collections, bequests, and other donations. Our bingos are only successful through the generosity of our parishioners who freely donate their time and ability.
Many of our patrons have commented on how clean and well-designed our facilities are, as well as how friendly our workers are. Word of mouth is our best source of advertising, and being our biggest Parish fundraiser, bingo is an important element in keeping our Parish alive, and flourishing.
Bingo profits are used for various areas of Parish life including:
- Our new Parish Hall building project
- Good Shepherd School Tuition Assistance
- Replacing various pieces of machinery both in the parish office and the school
- New equipment used for our bingos
- Various needs of our Parish organizations
- 10% is always tithed to outside groups
Packets Include
6 faces on Early Birds
12 faces on regular games
6 faces on all Specials
6 faces on Super X Jackpot
Program Schedule:
3 – $100 Early Birds
1 – $150 Super Bird
16 – $200 Regular Games
2 – $250 Guaranteed Specials
1 – $500 Guaranteed Special
1 – $1000 Guaranteed Super X
Packet Pricing
1 Packet – $15.00
2 Packets – $25.00
3 Packets – $34.00
4 Packets – $40.00
Good Shepherd host bingos every Sunday evening. Warm up games are played from 5:30-6:30pm, games purchased in the packets begin at 6:30pm.
We keep a steady stream of pull tab games going (our most popular being King of the Mountain and King of the Hill). We do monthly drawings and give-a-ways, either for big ticket items or gift cards, just for being at the games. The more you play, the more chances you have to win.

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Volunteers are always needed and greatly appreciated at our Sunday night bingos. There are five crews that rotate on Sunday nights. There are many jobs to be filled and it takes approximately 30 people to run a bingo. “Subs” are also needed as we are currently short on several crews, so any help is appreciated. Here are various ways someone can help:
Crew Leader (1)
Callers (2)
Gate People (7) – must be available from 4:30 – 7:15pm
Main Office (2)
Pull Tab Office (2)
“Pay Out” Person (1)
Floor Sellers (3-4)
Pull Tab Sellers (5-8)
Kitchen/Cooking (3)
Concession Area (5)
For details as to what each position would be responsible for, please call the parish office for more information.
We are also in need of volunteers to help call and remind various crew members the week before they’re supposed to work. This is something that can be done from home, and is a great service to our crew leaders. Please call the Parish office at 477-5405.
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