Building the Kingdom of God Together
Good Shepherd began its work as a Catholic faith community in 1955. Construction of a church and school on Evansville’s northeast side began in 1958 with the facility opening in May, 1959. On August 27, 2016, 1141 families and 2986 parishioners are listed as registered members at Good Shepherd Catholic Parish. Together, we share a mission to live Christ’s word daily by a commitment to worship, stewardship, faith formation, Catholic schools, family, and social outreach.
Growing in Faith
Our extended parish family and guests celebrate Weekend Masses at Good Shepherd Catholic Church: Saturdays at 4:30 PM and Sundays at 7:30 AM and 10:30 AM. Faith formation also includes preparation for the sacraments of Baptism, Reconciliation, Eucharist, Confirmation and Marriage; RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults), a communal process for adults to become members in the Catholic Church; and religious education for Catholic children who attend public schools.0..
Working, Praying, and Playing
Good Shepherd thrives through the gifts and talents of our diverse parish family. Members participate in a variety of ways to strengthen the fabric of our community and enhance the quality of parish life. You may find opportunities to share in the work of our parish council, family life commission, faith formation teams, summer social committees, music ministry, and others.
If you are too busy today to stop in Church for ten minutes of quiet prayer time, follow this link for other prayer suggestions: