Listing of Current Parish Ministries:

Adoration Hour Volunteers

We are a Eucharistic Church and the focus of this ministry is to encourage and develop a love for the Real Presence of Jesus Christ in the consecrated host. Everyone is invited to participate in the worship and reverence of our Lord every Tuesday night from 6pm-7pm, and on the second Wednesday of each month from 8am-Noon.

Art & Environment Committee

This group looks after the needs of the church interior by decorating and taking care of linens, vessels, plants, flower arrangements, etc. Adult women and men are invited to assist.  For more information, please contact the Parish Office or visit

Bereavement Meal Ministry

Good Shepherd Catholic Church has a Bereavement Meal Ministry Team.  Members help support our pastor and parish staff by reaching out to other parishioners who have lost a loved one through death.  Our hope is that no one has to go through this painful journey alone – that joy can return in time.  Many of our volunteers have been called to this ministry through their own experience of loss; others are very active in the ministry because they have recognized the need to offer a meal and support to members of our extended parish family who are grieving.

Children’s Liturgy of the Word Volunteer Schedule:

Children’s Liturgy is offered on Saturdays during the 4:30 PM Mass and Sundays during the 10:30 AM Mass throughout the year. Children entering K through 2nd grade are invited to participate. After opening prayer, the priest/deacon will dismiss the children with their leaders to reflect on the day’s readings on a child’s level. Children will return to Mass after the homily. No registration is required.

If you are willing to volunteer as a teacher or helper, please contact the parish office at (812) 477-5405.  High School age volunteers are welcome to assist the Adult leaders.


Follow this link to our page:

To learn more about this Catholic Women’s Organization, the Affiliated Auxiliaries of the Knights of Columbus, visit:

Communion to the Homebound, Hospitals and Nursing Homes

Communion to homebound, hospitals and nursing homes is a wonderful way for our parish to show support and concern for those members who are ill, plus their caregivers, who are not always able to take part in our community’s Eucharistic celebration. All Extraordinary Ministers are welcome to join in this ministry (and will not be required to serve as a Eucharistic Minister at Mass). For more information, please contact the Parish Office.

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

Training is available for parish adults interested in being Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion. Ministers are scheduled approximately once a month. Call the parish office at (812) 477-5405 for more information.

Fellowship Ministry

This committee plays a key role in the life of the parish. It brings parishioners together through various activities throughout the year. The committee is involved in many aspects of welcoming, creating unity and fostering fellowship among the parishioners.

Read more:


Individuals or families can volunteer to greet parishioners as they arrive for Mass, distribute books, and pass out bulletins after Mass.

Habitat for Humanity

Our parish provides financial support and volunteer workers to this charity which builds homes for deserving families.

Knights of Columbus – Council # 14673

Follow this link to our page:


Volunteer lectors are scheduled at 7-9 week intervals to read the first and second readings (and petitions when no deacon is present) at weekend Masses and on special occasions. Youth and adult members of the parish are invited to participate.

Little Flowers Girls Club

Our group meets after school in the Church Conference room twice a month and during our meetings the girls are introduced to a virtue, a flower that symbolizes it and a FEMALE saint that exemplifies that virtue.  For copies of our current schedule and registration, please view the following pdf documents:  2019-02-12 LF 2018-19 schedule 2019-02-12 LF member registration.For more details, Email Abby Frazer.

Music Ministry

Follow this link to our page:

Offertory Gifts:

All parishioners are welcome to assist with this ministry.  The clipboard containing monthly sign up sheets is located on the gift table near the baptismal font.  Feel free to sign up your family, Good Shepherd Catholic School classmates or Reitz Memorial High School classmates to assist at a specific weekend Mass.

Over 50’s Senior Luncheon

Parishioners over fifty years of age meet on the first Wednesday of each month. A Mass or prayer service at noon is followed by a short meeting in the church and lunch/social time in the cafeteria. Prior to Mass, blood pressure screenings are provided. The group also plans occasional trips out of town and other activities.

Prayer Chain

As special needs or emergencies arise, this group adds your prayers to theirs.  To be added to the chain, call Luan Greubel at (812) 423-7599.  If you have a special need to add to the prayer list, please call Loretta Kercher (812) 550-1205, Sue Baehl (812) 422-5765, or Glenda Dyson (812) 925-3727.

Quilting Ministry

The Quilting Ministry exists to maximize the creative talents of quilting, combined with prayer. It is our desire that the quilts we create and raffle off during our parish summer social will also provide comfort and warmth to those in need of God’s Love.

Red Cross Blood Drive

Several times throughout the year, we host a Red Cross Blood Drive.  Our blood donations go a long way to meet patients’ needs.  To find a drive and schedule a blood donation appointment today, please visit the following link:

Respect Life Committee

The Good Shepherd Respect Life Coordinator and Respect Life
Committee, in collaboration with the Diocesan Office of Family and Life
and the USCCB, work to teach respect for all human life from
conception to natural death, and organize for its protection.


Boy Scouts

The Buffalo Trace Council offers scouting for boys in the Native Trails District. Good Shepherd Catholic Church charters Pack and Troop 362. Boys in grades one through five should contact the school office. Boys in grades six through high school, who are interested in Boy Scouts should contact Ken Balczo. You can also get more information at Buffalo Trace Pack 362.

Girl Scouts

The Raintree Girl Scout Council offers scouting for girls in kindergarten through twelfth grade. Contact Birdie Harrison at the council office. At Good Shepherd, contact the school office.

Separated & Divorced

Father Zach Etienne is available to guide those facing issues related to separation or divorce. Also, see Social Support Group.

Servers for Funeral Masses

Adults willing to serve at funeral Masses are asked to contact Deacon Cy Will.

Servers for Weekend Masses

Young people in fifth through twelfth grades are welcome to serve at weekend Masses. Training is offered in the fall of each year or may also be arranged by appointment through the parish office.

Shepherd’s Hook Ministry

St. Vincent de Paul

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is an international Catholic lay charitable organization present in 142 countries.  The primary purpose of the Society is the spiritual growth of its members.    Secondary purpose is to serve those in need by making home visits.  They provide both comfort and financial assistance to those they serve. If you would like to become a volunteer “Vincentian” for our parish, please contacts our Parish Office.  If you are in need of assistance, please contact the Evansville St. Vincent de Paul Coordinator Office at (812) 425-3485.

To learn more about the Society of St. Vincent de Paul serving our local Evansville community, please visit:

Twinned Parish in Haiti

Good Shepherd Parish is twinned with St. Rose of Lima Parish in Pilate, Haiti where Fr. Frantzdy Joseph presides.  We also maintain contact with Sr. Lucie at Pilate Holy Cross Hospital.  During the upcoming year, we plan to raise awareness and fundraising through our Fall Festival Booth, rummage sales, three fold flyers, NYC partners, Good Shepherd School students, and other Haiti collection opportunities.  We will also host our Third Annual Rice and Bean Dinner on Saturday, January 21, 2017 in the Saint Theresa Parish Hall located inside Good Shepherd Catholic School after the 4:30 PM Mass.  People from around our Diocese of Evansville with twinning parishes in Haiti will be invited to join us to share their experiences and offer suggestions.

To learn more about our work in Haiti, please visit the following link:


These volunteers assist people in finding seats and take up Sunday collections.

Youth Ministry

Follow this link to our page: