Columbiettes - Wikipedia

Current Officers – Columbiettes

President – Megan Knies
Vice President – Shari Hirsch
Secretary – Lori Henderson
Treasurer – Beth Keck
Financial Secretary – Mary Payne

Sentinel – Jessica Fehenbacher

Update: November 30, 2023

As promised the Ceremonial Committee has come up with two additional dates that we can offer to assist in getting as many interested ladies included in becoming charter members and remaining active. It has been the biggest blessing of the officers at a local and national level to see this excitement and commitment.
The two initiation dates are:
Monday Dec. 4th at 7:00 pm
Saturday Dec. 9th at 5:30 pm (after 4:30 pm mass)
Here is the link to sign up (only those being initiated need to sign up – everyone is encouraged to attend including families)
Downloadable Columbiette Membership Application Form:  A-100-Membership-Application
Note: families, including kids, can attend initiations. So daughter’s, son’s, spouse’s and any Knight can attend the initiations if they want.

Update: September 17, 2023

Good Shepherd Columbiette No. 14673 Evansville Inaugural Initiation and Officer Installation

It has been made official, November 11, 2023 the Evansville, IN area has the opportunity to host the first ever Columbiette member initiation and officer installation. This appears to be the first Nationally Knights of Columbus Affiliated organization in Indiana and the surrounding states.

The plan is to start with Mass at Good Shepherd beginning at 4:30 pm and then after Mass (approximately 5:30 pm) we will move to the Parish Hall and have the ceremonies, meal and fellowship. With this inaugural ceremony family, kids and other community members are encouraged to attend to be able to witness this historic event.

Please let me know if you have questions, no worries if you are unable to attend this event you can still be apart of the Columbiettes.

Update: September 17, 2023

The All Out Call Out for the recently formed Ladies Knights (Columbiettes) at Good Shepherd Catholic Parish is not only the first in Indiana but the first in the Midwest.  We had 80 – 90 women show up today, and several more apologized for being unable to attend due to family obligations, sporting events and other commitments. The ladies in attendance voted on the monthly meeting day and ended up selecting the Fourth Tuesday of every month. We are going to encourage attending Adoration and Mass before the meeting that begins around 7:00 PM. The first meeting we plan to host is in October.

We have penciled in a tentative date for the National Supreme Officers to come for the inaugural initiation and installation of officers: tentatively scheduled for November 11, 2023.  We plan to have everything take place after the 4:30 PM Mass so we will hopefully have some visitors join us that weekend for Mass.  For the event families, kids, and others are invited.

We are planning on starting the Take and Bake Dressing sale this year. We hope next year we can help with a monthly breakfast in coordination with other church or school groups.  Overall we have a lot to still plan and discuss, but we are moving in a direction.  In general, the response has been humbling and overwhelmingly positive.

To learn more about this Catholic Women’s Organization, the Affiliated Auxiliaries of the Knights of Columbus, visit: