The Good Shepherd Catholic Parish Finance Committee consists of a number of parishioners with professional and financial backgrounds.  The Finance/Administration Commission is a Commission of the Parish Pastoral Council in accordance with Canon 537.  Its primary function is to assist the Pastor in the preparation of the yearly budget for review and approval by the Parish Pastoral Council.

This Commission is to sustain the mission and the ongoing development of the parish community by providing the necessary administrative and financial skills.  Working closely with the Pastor, who is accountable for the administration of the parish, this Commission concerns itself with all parish resources, the Catholic Parishes Campaign, the annual parish budget, parish support, and the effective use and maintenance of parish facilities.  The collaboration of this Commission with the Pastor, the parish staff, and the Parish Pastoral Council is intended to free the Pastor for his role of spiritual leadership.

Areas of responsibility:

  • Buildings and Grounds
  • Finance
  • Preparation of the annual parish budget

The Finance Council also helps our pastor ensure proper funding is budgeted each year to pay our Catholic High School Assessment.  Since 1998, local Evansville parishes are assessed a specific amount per parish student each year who attends Reitz Memorial and Mater Dei High School.  Distributions from the assessment are used to help support the mission, spiritual and academic life at Reitz Memorial and Mater Dei High School.  Our support enables them to offer a high quality Catholic education through the support of our entire Evansville community.  Tuition only covers 60% of the total operating costs of the schools.

Paying our yearly assessment is just one example of how Good Shepherd Catholic Parish also participates in the Church's position on tithing.  The key to understanding how God wants all parishioners to give to the Church is found in 1 Corinthians 16:2, "On the first day of the week [Sunday] each of you should set aside whatever he can afford," and in 2 Corinthians 9:5-8, "So I thought it necessary to encourage the brothers to go on ahead to you and arrange in advance for your promised gift [donation], so that in this way it might be ready as a bountiful gift and not as an exaction. Consider this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each must do as already determined without sadness or compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. Moreover, God is able to make every grace abundant for you, so that in all things, always having all you need, you may have an abundance for every good work."

We pray that our contribution to the High School Assessment helps keep the cost of Catholic Education affordable for families in Evansville, while building an active and prayerful Catholic community for the present and future Catholic Church in southwestern Indiana.

Finance Committee Members:

Very Rev. Zachary J. Etienne (Pastor)

Ruth Becker (Business Manager)

Dianne Thomas (Secretary)

Ethan Broerman (Parishioner)

Russell Gerteisen (Parishioner)

Ben Joergens (Parishioner)

Brandon Ladley (Parishioner)

Brian Lankford (Parishioner)

Steve Piper (Parishioner)

Ron Pohl (Parishioner)

Ken Schenk (Parishioner)

Cheryl Wathen (Parishioner)

Finance Council Minutes - January 14, 2025


Finance Council Minutes - November 18, 2024

Finance Minutes Nov. 2024

Finance Council Minutes - September 11, 2024

Finance Minutes Sept 2024

Finance Council Minutes - July 10, 2024

Finance Council Minutes - May 13, 2024

Finance Minutes May 13 2024

Finance Council Minutes - April 03, 2024

Finance Minutes April 03 2024

Finance Council Minutes - January 25, 2024

Finance Council Minutes - July 12, 2023

Finance Council Minutes - May 10, 2023

Finance Council Minutes - January 25, 2023

Finance Council Minutes - January 12, 2023

Finance Council Minutes - November 09, 2022

Finance Council Minutes - July 27, 2022

Finance Council Minutes - May 12, 2022

Finance Council Minutes - September 04, 2019

Finance Council Minutes - March 20, 2019

Finance Council Minutes - January 23, 2019

Finance Minutes - Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Present: Fr. Zach Etienne, Sarah Gahagen, Ken Schenk, Russell Gerteisen, Ron Pohl, Brandon Ladley,
Michael Schaefer, Jay Hargis, Ben Joergens.

Absent: Brian Lankford, Steve Piper

Small wording changes were made to the December 2018 minutes, but were accepted after the

Ruth presented ideas from the Haiti Committee for other fundraising ideas. They would possibly like to
use the proceeds from the 5 th Sunday/Tuesday Bingo. This would replace the Rummage sale fundraiser
that normally was held in April and usually raised $4,000 - $5,000. Jay recommended that we put this
tithing in our budget similar to how we tithe to St. Vincent. During the year of 2018, we sent $51,900.00
to St. Rose of Lima in Haiti. Several ideas were agreed upon; #1 the committee would continue the Fall
Festival fundraiser, (but once this stopped we would not replace this fundraiser),#2 Good Shepherd will
tithe $5,000 to replace the Rummage sale, and #3 a second collection (Fr. Zach has agreed) on the Feast
Day of St. Rose of Lima (August 23). We will keep Spirit of Hope as a parish fundraiser.
Pre-K tuition:
Exploratory committee investigating the possibility of modular classrooms. We need to have more
Kindergarten students, our Kindergarten class has not been full for the past few years. By adding
Preschool and Pre-k positions this will feed into our Kindergarten program and ultimately fill the school.
Leasing the modular classrooms and hiring more staff would come from the Preschool and Pre-K tuition.
The history has been that we lose middle school students because they are choosing to attend North
High School. There is presently a waiting list for Preschool and Pre-K, by adding the modular classrooms
this would allow us to increase our enrollment and keep families here not only as school families but as
parishioners. Cost per student in PreK is $3200. We need to try to keep families here, which is also an
opportunity to evangelize. If we are successful at recruiting the young students, we need to be sure we
are keeping them at our school in 2 nd , 3rd, and 4 th grades. Getting families involved keeps families here
and connected to the school and parish. By adding a dual classroom this would give us the room we
need to add another preschool and Pre-K class. This would be a long term project, since there would be
many expenses up front and once everything is paid for income would be fluid. Fiscally this would be a
great long term project. Not only will we have the cost of installing the modular classrooms, but we will
need to hire more staff. School council is in agreement that with the idea of adding classrooms.

Tuition proposals:
Mike Schaefer updated us that eight students have not returned this second semester, due to varying
reasons—not one specific reason caused these students to leave.

Mike Schaefer researched past information and proposed several tuition scenarios. Catholic school
enrollment is going down all over the U.S. Discussion about increasing enrollment levels for the school.
Projected School deficit of $718,000 is now $580,000. Does tuition have any impact on enrollment?
Some say it does, this era of parents (millennials) do not have any reserve funds and live paycheck to
Looking over the expenses of the school, we have the usual 2.5% increase in salaries, textbooks this year
has a large increase due to new versions of textbooks adopted by the Catholic Diocese. Expected overall
increase of $89,000.

Four scenarios were proposed:
#1 Tuition Freeze
#2 Tuition Freeze with a round down ($5,000 for one student, $6800 for two students and $7300 3 rd )
#3 Raise tuition to cover operating expenses of increase 6.5%
#4 Raise to match projected deficit of $718,000

We could publicize “Tuition Freeze”, what does this do as enrollment goes up, income will be above the
expenses. How much do we subsidize the school? Is there a set %?
Book and Technology fees, should we make one lump sum to be included in the tuition. The discussion
resulted in continuing to keep separate since so many schools fees and tuition are structured this way.
Parents can then easily compare tuition and book fees to other schools. Keep book fees at $350 and
Ipad fee is $75. The last tuition freeze that took place was between 2009/2010 school year and
2010/2011 school year.
One year from now we need to reevaluate the situation and be creative with our school and continue to
add new ideas to attract students and families.
Ben added that many parents (mid to lower income) use their tax refund to pay for their child’s tuition.
Do we want to give the families a discount if they pay up front? This idea was declined.
Jay motioned to recommend Scenario #1 and Scenario #2 listed as follows:
Scenario #1: (Freeze) First child $5,100, second child $7,100, third child $8,600. Non-Catholic rate
would be $6,600.
Scenario #2: (Freeze rounding down) First child $5,000, Second child $6,800, third child $8,300. Non-
Catholic rate would be $6,600.
8 th grade class has fewest # of students that will attend Memorial High School. At another meeting we
will look at the possibility of discounts for both MHS & GS.
Adjourned 8:55 PM

Respectfully Submitted, Ruth Becker

Finance Council Update - February 18, 2019

Important finance information:
  1. NO meeting in February ----- NEXT meeting March 20, 2019 - 7:00 pm Church Conference Room\
  2. Melanie Baker and Morgan Lamberton on staff - Melanie, Director of Worship email; Morgan Lamberton, Youth Minister Coordinator email
  3. Pre-school expansion - moving ahead with mobile classroom; plan to order by end of February to ensure deliver by June 1st
  4. School Tuition 2019-2020 approved by School Council as follows:
Respectfully submitted, Sarah Gahagen

Finance Council Minutes - October 17, 2018 

Present: Fr. Zach Etienne, Sarah Gahagen, Ken Schenk, Brian Lankford, Jay Hargis, Mike Schaefer, Russel
Gertesin, Ron Pohl, Ben Joergens.

Absent: Brandon Ladley, Steve Piper

Sunday Collection:
Discussion began with Sunday Collections, there is a discrepancy between of the variance between year
to date and budgeted Sunday Collections number reported. Sarah will work on why there is a
discrepancy. Account was reconciled to the bulletin and revised Financial Stmts were sent to members
Bingo and Other Income:
Is favorable and doing well, our normal attendance is now approximately 200 people. With Mark
Schmitz leaving, we do not have a crew chief to take his place. Sarah does not have the time to take
over another bingo crew. Our attendance numbers have increased due the closing of St. Ben’s bingo.
Cafeteria, GAP and preschool all have large deposits that were made Oct.2. Both of these are doing
well. Tuition is favorable and we seem to be collecting more due to the FACTS program. The FACTS
program helps us maintain income, our Preschool program is also using FACTS. Budget was established
before we knew an actual number of students.
Capital Expenditures:
*FOB system is the majority of the expense, we will be getting a grant to pay half of the expenses.
*Air Conditioning repair for Church.
*Spending another $800 plus on system to be on wireless network for FOB system
*Brian met with Deig Brothers to see if windows can be installed in the conference room to provide a
“cry room” for the church. This wall is not a support wall, so this will make it easier to install windows.
He is waiting on two companies to submit bids for the work. We may consider putting blinds in the
window glass in order for this room to still be used by the bride and wedding parties. Also, one way
glass windows that the congregation is not distracted by the cry room/or kitchen area. Stove in
concession area is moving along, countertop will be cut down and we need to price stoves
Gen Ledgers accounts 10101/10102:
Maraki software for 3 years we paid all expense up front and will dispense expense for next two years.
Also, RHMS funds collected to reimburse tuition payment to RHMS-this is for only one parishioner.
Scrip inventory: We are currently trying to get inventory in our system in order for us to track scrip sales

Brian spoke with Kristen concerning all events happening the remainder of the school year, i.e. Brute
Mass, Weddings, Baccalaureate Mass and we need to be aware of any other events happening.
New storage in rectory basement has been well received by Boy Scouts, Youth ministry, Summer Social
Finance closets, Youth ministry and some Fall Festival items.
A Catholic Electronic Continuing education program that will be a link on our website and allows
parishioners to listen to “Bible Study” classes and other talks that are in their program.
Fall Festival Booth:
We paid next year’s deposit, but from the feedback from this year’s crew chiefs we may not be having
the Booth next year. They do not believe they would be able to put the man hours into preparing and
manning the booth. We make $10,000.00 when other booths make much more. We need something
new on the menu which hasn’t changed in 20 or so years. We do not have the man power on Friday and
Saturday since this is fall break and many families leave town. Not all parishioners are in favor of all
profits of the booth going to Haiti, they wish for some of the funds to stay at the parish. Many students
and families work the Youth Resources booth but not the Good Shepherd booth. Students can come
and sell soft drinks in front of the booth, but are not allowed to run fryers (corn dog & tenderloin) inside
the booth. Can we come up with something easy that people of any age could help with in the booth?
Discussion was tabled until Fall Festival committee meets and discusses issues.
Knights of Columbus Raffle:
Our Knights of Columbus group is proposing a raffle involving the prize being tuition. Tickets would be
$50 each with possible tuition of $4000, $2,000 and $1,000. Knights would maintain any profits. Corpus
Christie is one other school that has a tuition raffle such as the one proposed.
Mike Schaefer wants to have the raffle and possibly have the school receive profits to cover rising
operating costs. We have 313 students which is low for Good Shepherd, we need to be forward thinking
and proactive in how we can keep the students we presently have and market to those families and
students we need to attain. We need to think about a possible freeze on tuition, but think of ways to
raise funds so we can cover operating costs. Good Shepherd church subsidizes a large amount of
school expenses. How large does the school subsidy get before we put a cap on it? It seems in past
years our Kindergarten classes are not full, we do not know if this is due to the fact that we can only take
24 PreK students and we don’t gain any when they are starting Kindergarten. Can we possibly have two
classes of 24 of PreK age students that feed directly into the Kindergarten class? This is something that
has been discussed with Kristen as a possibility. We need to make sure we are marketing to St. John’s
Daylight. Also, we lose middle school students to North Jr. High. Families realize that they are not
going to send their students to Memorial, they wish to put their students in public school system before
high school.
We need to start discussing tuition rates now. We also should look at forecasted Preschool, PreK and
Kindergarten children. We also need to maintain our level of middle school kids or we may become a K
– 6 school. Another issue is that Home Schooling is growing.

We need to understand that education is ONE of the missions of the church, but not the only one.
Tuition possibly needs to freeze and we need to place a high priority on getting a PreK that has 48
students. We need to capture children and families early. Will Preschool ever be able to have two class
Meeting was adjourned at 7:25pm

Respectfully submitted, Ruth Becker


Bingo is a major fundraiser for Good Shepherd Parish. Good Shepherd tithes 10% of Bingo profits to other charities. Bingo is held on Sundays in the parish hall. Parents of students attending school and many other parishioners volunteer to work on Bingo crews. Contact the parish office at 812477-5405 if you are interested in helping.

Catholic Parishes Campaign (CPC)

This annual campaign is a means of providing financial support for various service programs offered by the Catholic Diocese of Evansville. The financial assessment is set by the diocese and any money collected above the assessed amount is returned to the parish.


Endowments are a wonderful way to support our Good Shepherd Catholic Parish, School, or specific ministry forever.  By Creating this Catholic Legacy, the donor has the opportunity to name the endowment in honor or in memory of a loved one.  Donors may determine the primary purpose of the endowment for a minimum gift of $5,000.  Anyone can add to an existing endowment at any time and in any amount.

An endowment application is available on-line so that you may begin the process of Creating your Catholic Legacy. Your charitable gift through an endowment is truly perpetual and will help to secure the future of Good Shepherd Catholic Parish, School, or specific area within our parish and the Diocese of Evansville.

To learn more about our current endowments being managed by the Catholic Foundation of Southwestern Indiana, Inc., please follow the following links:

Good Shepherd Parish -

Good Shepherd -

St. Theresa Parish -

St. Theresa School -

Fall Festival Booth

Before our official Parish merge, which became effective July 1, 2016, the Good Shepherd Catholic Parish's Fall Festival Booth was faithfully staffed by St. Theresa Catholic Parishioners for over 30 years.  Booth proceeds for the 2016 Fall Festival Booth will be shared between Good Shepherd Catholic Parish and our Twinned Parish (St. Rose of Lima Parish in Pilate, Haiti).

Church name and city:  Good Shepherd/St Theresa - Evansville, IN
Fall Festival Booth Number:  25
Brief Description of food items offered:  Giant Tenderloin Sandwiches, Corn Dogs, Potato Soup in a Bread Bowl, Munchen Rolls (Bratwurst, sauerkraut and mozzarella cheese wrapped in pizza dough) and Drinks.

Fall Festival 2

Fall Festival


Fundraising Guidelines & Authorization Form

For details on Good Shepherd Catholic Parish Fundraising, please visit the following post:


Good Shepherd School Families may purchase scrip cards in the parish office or online and earn credit towards next year’s book fees!  If you would like more information on how to use or, contact Connie Sermersheim at 812-431-8053, or email her at  We now have Azzip pizza and McAlister’s Scrip in stock!

Click on the following link to download and print Current PDF Scrip Form:
2017-09-13 GSCP Scrip Form

Summer Social

This is a major parish fundraiser that supports our operating budget. Our social is held the Thursday, Friday, and Saturday that include the fourth Saturday of June. The summer social consists of food, game, auction, raffle and sales booths, carnival rides, dinners, and various other activities. A number of chairpersons oversee various operations of this event.

2022 SUMMER SOCIAL: One day only

Saturday, July 16th, Dinners begin at 4:00pm

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