2021-05-21 Constant Contact Update

Join us!
Memorial Weekend Masses:
Here are the changes you will see beginning next weekend
May 29 and 30:
*Ushers will continue to seat people, every pew will be used.
*Those who are vaccinnated, masks are optional.
*We will have MORE seating in the back of church available for elderly and those who wish to have Communion brought to them.
*Eucharistic Ministers will wear masks when giving communion.
*Holy Water is available in our baptismal font.
Opening more seats will allow more of you to return to church and receive communion. We would love to see everyone.
Welcome back!
If you feel more comfortable at home, we are continuing to live stream on our You Tube channel.
You Tube channel for live stream:
Please check our website daily for updates.
Thank you in advance for your donations.
Weekly Bulletins are available on our website.
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