Please consider signing up for We Share, our online giving program. We are all busy, this program allows you to continue your Sunday giving regardless of how busy you are. No longer worry about forgetting your envelope when you come to Mass or if you travel your contributions stay the same. YOU are in control of the amount and the frequency of your donation. We thank those who have signed up, and we encourage all to sign up. If you have any questions about We Share, please call the Parish Office. We would be happy to answer any questions or help you sign up.
Join us! My School Options will be hosting a Parent Information Session at Good Shepherd School to discuss the opportunities available to Hoosier Families. Because of new legislation, many Hoosier households may quality for the state’s school choice programs.
Join us to learn more and find a new options for your child’s K-12 education. Whether you are looking for a new school or find out of you qualify, all are welcome.
***This is information for everyone!***
Wednesday, July 21 at 6:00 PM CST
October 4 – 9, 2021
We will once again be having our food booth supporting our sister parish in Haiti. Please save the dates and we encourage you to work. This is a great way to volunteer and meet new people. Please join us for making our munchen rolls on Sept 20 & 23 5:00-7:30 PM in Parish Hall. Save the dates, we will need many people to work at booth that week.
All proceeds will be sent to our sister parish, St. Rose of Lima in Pilate, Haiti.
Ministry Fair August 28 and 29
Looking for a way to give your time and talent? The ministry fair will be held after all Masses. Would you like to be a lector or Eucharistic minister? Would you like to help with Bereavement meals or Children’s ministry?
We will once again be selling scrip after weekend Masses.
We will continue to sell scrip at the parish office during office hours. This is a great fundraiser for our church and school, with no effort! Use scrip cards to buy your school supplies, or college dorm items. Email Connie S. if you wish to sign up for the electronic version or reload your cards.