Christian-Based Adult Mentoring Program – Catholic Charities

Catholic Charities is well into the beginning stages of implementing its mentoring program (April 2018) and final stages of planning for the opening of the social enterprise (September 2018).

Of course, all of the co-workers in the social enterprise will automatically be mentees in the mentoring program.

We are in need of 40 folks who may be interested in an intense volunteer activity to lift individuals out of poverty. The program promises to benefit the personal spiritual development of the mentors as well as the economic stability of mentee/co-workers. Mentoring matches will begin in early April and be made on a quarterly (or so) basis in July, October, etc. through 2020. We will also offer mentoring opportunities to married couples!

Key dates include:

  • Discussions with individuals interested in mentoring (At your convenience)
  • Day-long training (March 10th)
  • Weekly mentoring (Begins in April, July, October as fits the mentor’s schedule)

 If you are hopeful, empathetic, hardworking and desiring personal growth, this program is for you.

Interested parties may contact Tracy Gander at or call her at 812-423-5456.

USCCB Youth & Young Adult Ministries

Special Update from the U.S. Bishops Conference for Leaders in Youth and Young Adult Minstries

Pope Francis wants to hear from young people!

To prepare for the upcoming international Synod on “Young People, the Faith, and Vocational Discernment,” the Holy Father wants online feedback from all youth and young adults, ages 16 to 29, from around the world, regardless of how active they are in the practice of the faith.


Youth and young adults, ages 16 to 29, are invited to go online and fill out the Vatican survey:

The online survey is open until November 30, 2017.

The results of the online survey will be part of the international listening process that will help Pope Francis and the world’s
bishops better understand the realities, hopes, and concerns of youth and young adults in preparation for the 2018 Synod.

More details about the Synod process, including links to the preparatory document and the pope’s messages to youth and young adults, can be found on the official Synod website.

Help Catholic Students Stay Connected

Many Catholic colleges offer secular and religious degree programs, encouraging Catholic students of all backgrounds to stay connected with their faith. However, with over 250 Catholic colleges in the country, it can be difficult for Catholic students to narrow down their decision.

Our team at is here to help with our 2017 guide to choosing a Catholic college. In addition to connecting students with accredited Catholic colleges, this resource provides tips on what questions students should ask to find a school that fits their needs.

As a trusted voice in Evansville’s Catholic community, we know you work hard to keep individuals engaged in Catholicism throughout life. Catholic colleges are making their own contribution in providing a wide selection of academic programs in a religious environment.

Help your student members to stay connected!

Together we can help your students find a Catholic college that fits their needs.

Thanks for reading! We appreciate your time and consideration.

Rachel Wagner
Outreach Team –