Fellowship Ministry Mission:
The Good Shepherd Fellowship Ministry seeks to provide opportunities for all members of the parish to build a true community of faith outside of the liturgy. They do this by facilitating social events of food, fellowship and fun to enrich the community for it is by this fellowship that we can grow in our faith.
Ministry Team:
Mary Payne (Ministry Chair) – mepayne1128@gmail.com
Jim & Karen Bengert
Mike & Maryann Dunbar
Mykeal Wigger
Cheryl Shafer
Julie McGee
Father Zach Etienne
February 03, 2024 Update:
Our regularly scheduled meeting is this Monday however as I am sure most of you have heard, we also have a Parish wide meeting related to the Long Range plans of the Parish.
Let’s meet at 5:30 in the choir conference room. We don’t have a lot to discuss but that should give us enough time to go over the Potluck and New Parishioner dinner. Then we can go next door for the planning meeting.
Also, when you are at mass this weekend, please be sure to encourage people to sign up for the potluck. Melanie will be announcing it but sometimes a personal invite is nice as well.
Thanks and I’ll see you Monday!
Mary Payne
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