The following are two opportunities to enhance the formation of intentional disciples in our parish.
- If you have attended a Called and Gifted workshop in the past, please consider attending the Called and Gifted Facilitator and Interviewer Training workshop being held September 21, 22 and 23 at the Catholic Center. This is a time-intensive workshop for those who will be prepared to conduct Called and Gifted on the parish level using the newly developed video component being released in the Fall by the Siena Institute. Participants must have attended Called and Gifted, taken the Charism assessment, participated in an interview and the discernment in-depth process.
- Training Workshop Details: Friday, September 21, 6-8:30, Saturday, September 22, 9-8 pm, Sunday, September 23, noon to 5:00 pm. All times are central. Attendees must attend the entire training session. There is a voluntary fee of up to $150.00.
- October 27, 2018, 8:30-4:30 (central) $40.00 inclusive of interview fee
- This opportunity is for those persons seeking to go deeper in their faith life. It reviews the understanding of vocation, call, the ministry of the layperson and charisms. Participants will use an assessment tool to determine their charisms. This workshop prepares the person to identify and use their charism to live out faith wherever they are. This is empowerment for evangelization and intentional discipleship. Those who have attended this workshop in the past have found it to be a rich and life-giving experience.
Kathy Gallo, Ed.D.
Director of Catechesis