October 19, 2022 – Constant Contact Update

Weekly Bulletins are available on our website.
CPC 2022-23 Donations
First, we would like to thank all those who have turned in pledge cards or made you pledge online to our Called to be Faithful Stewards, CPC campaign. We appreciate your generosity.
At this time, we are at 42% of our goal. Good Shepherd’s CPC goal is $279,037. We are so thankful for the generosity of many, but still need many of you to respond to our plea. Parishioner’s gifts to this annual appeal provide funding to the pastoral and ministerial works of he diocese in every parish in southwestern Indiana.
Contributing to this campaign is one way in which we share the abundance of God’s gifts to us. The gifts made to this appeal are the primary financial support for ministries such as lifelong catechesis, vocations, youth and young adult ministry, Catholic Charities, and many, many more.
Your gift of $50 or $100 would go a long way in supporting these vital ministries of the Diocese of Evansville. You can make your gift by dropping your CPC card in the Sunday Collection basket or make a secure contribution at www.evdio.org.
Good Shepherd Catholic Church
Volunteer Appreciation Dinner
Saturday, November 12
5:30 p.m. Parish Hall
For those who serve our church community through our various ministries and volunteer opportunities – let us serve you and your family. Please join us for a meal as a thank you for all that you do for our parish and our outreach.
Please sign up in the Narthex or click on one of the links below.
***RSVP by 10/20/22***
 Roast Beef, Fried Chicken, Salad and Sides catered by Schnitzelbank.
Fr. Zach’s Homework Assignment:
How is God calling Good Shepherd Catholic Parish to stretch and move forward as the Universal Church?(Passions – Suggestions- Questions)
How are we succeeding or failing as a parish community in our outreach and offerings?
Topics to consider:
*Private and public prayer
*Catholic Education and Religious education for our youth *Adult formation opportunities
*Summer Social
*Other formation opportunities
*Outreach to the poor
*Fellowship events
*Care of our buildings and grounds
*Mass times
*Classification as “Active Parish member”
*Parish council
*School council
*Finance council
*Volunteer opportunities
*Participation in the Sacraments
What are the most important Long Term issues we need to remain focused on concerning the daily life of the parish God has entrusted to each and every one of us?
Please submit to Fr. Zach: zetienne@evdio.org
NOVEMBER 8 @ 6:30 pm
Do you have menu ideas for the Fall Festival booth? Does your group want to participate/benefit from the funds raised in the booth?
Please join us to discuss how we can grow and develop this wonderful fundraiser for our parish and school.
All ideas will be taken under consideration.
This meeting is open for all!!!
Grieving?? Surviving the Holidays…
When you are grieving a loved one’s death, the holiday season can be especially painful. Our Surviving the Holidays seminar helps participants discover:
  • How to deal with emotions
  • What to do about traditions
  • Helpful tips for surviving social events
  • How to find hope for the future
Tuesday, November 8
6:00 – 8:00 PM
Contact Sue Kroupa for more information
812-449-3740 or skroupa@evdio.org
Christmas Shoebox Donations
Again this year, we will participate in the Samaritan’s Purse Christmas Child program. Boxes will be available the weekend of October 29 & 30. Boxes are due back on Sunday, November 20 – No Later!
You can also donate online and build a box for a child..
Please check our website daily for updates.
To sign up for online giving please visit our website…..
Thank you in advance for your donations.
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Good Shepherd Catholic Church
2301 N Stockwell Rd
Evansville, IN 47715
(812) 477-5405
Good Shepherd Catholic Church | 2301 N. Stockwell RdEvansville, IN 47715
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