September 28, 2022 – Constant Contact Update

Weekly Bulletins are available on our website.
Fall Festival Booth # 25
We still have many openings to work in our
Fall Festival booth.
It is fun to work and get to know other people in our parish. Shifts start at 8:00 AM – 10:00 PM.
All proceeds go to our sister parish in Haiti,
St. Rose of Lima.
Please call the parish office or
check the schedules in the back of church.
Tropical Smoothie and Donato’s are two new vendors in our scrip program. Cards can be purchased in the Parish office or at the scrip table after weekend Masses.
Please call the office with any questions.
Called to be Faithful Stewards,
the Diocese of Evansville’s
2022 Catholic Parishes Campaign.
Our parish plays a key role in the success of the appeal. We are grateful to you for your past support of this vital work and we ask that you prayerfully consider continuing your support this year. Please fill out and return the pledge card you received in the mail or go online to make your gift.
Click here:
Please check our website daily for updates.
To sign up for our online giving program,
“We Share” please visit our website…..
Thank you in advance for your donations.
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Good Shepherd Catholic Church
2301 N Stockwell Rd
Evansville, IN 47715
(812) 477-5405
Good Shepherd Catholic Church | 2301 N. Stockwell RdEvansville, IN 47715
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