Health Ministry Team

The Health Ministry Team provides a comprehensive approach to health and wellness through a variety of programs and educational opportunities. Referral assistance to local social services and healthcare services is also provided. The Health Ministry Team meets on the second Wednesday of every even numbered month at 6:30pm in the church conference room. Everyone is welcome to attend. The parish nurse is available on Wednesdays and Fridays in the church office from 8-Noon to meet with you individually. Volunteers are also utilized to assist with various health screenings and programs. Please contact us if you would like to volunteer.

Team Members

Kristi Wahl, RN, Parish Nurse

Rosanne Boszor

Sherry Hurt, RN

Susie Mueller, RN

Karen Robertson

The Health Ministries Commission provides a comprehensive approach to health and wellness through a variety of programs and educational opportunities. Volunteers, including many health professionals, coordinate services including exercise classes, blood pressure screenings, and referral assistance in seeking support from local social service and healthcare providers.



Parishioners volunteer to prepare and deliver a meal for other parishioners who are in need due to a surgery/illness/hardship. If you know someone who might be in need of this service, please call parish office for more information.

Bereavement Dinners are prepared following the burial of a parishioner or spouse of a parishioner. The parish organizes these dinners and contacts various parishioners to prepare food for the dinner.

Medical Equipment

Did you know that a variety of medical equipment (walkers, canes, wheelchairs, etc.) donated to our parish is available to you if you find yourself in need?

Red Cross Blood Drives

We host two blood drives each year at Good Shepherd (January and July). Volunteers are needed to set up and take down tables and chairs, work the registration desk and the canteen.

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